To support the chemical industry in this ever-changing world, we have established an office in Northern Ireland, the office is offering services for Global, EU and GB chemical companies to meet the requirements of the legislative minefield since the GB's exit from the EU.
If you are a Non-EU manufacturer, which now includes the GB, you will find it difficult to submit REACH dossiers with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), this also includes use of the ECHA database to update and amend registrations previously made. You can appoint an EU entity to act as your Only Representative (OR) to undertake these tasks on your behalf.
Our Services Include:
If you are a Non-GB manufacturer, which now includes the EU, you will have to submit REACH dossiers under the GB Reach requirements, as with EU Reach, you can however a UK entity to act as your Only Representative (OR) to undertake these tasks on your behalf.
Our Services Include:
Since 1st January 2021, importers and downstream users are obligated to notify their mixtures in a harmonised format and unique formula identifiers (UFIs) must be included on mixture labels.
The unique formula identifier (UFI) is a unique code that will be required both in the submission of information to a poison centre and on the label, or in some cases the packaging, of the products that contain a hazardous mixture.
Together with a product's trade name, the UFI allows the poison centre to
precisely identify both the product involved in a poisoning incident and the composition of the mixture contained in that product.
We can generate UFl's for your products for the UK and EU markets.
Companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market are required to provide information about certain hazardous mixtures to the relevant UK & EU national bodies.
The EU national bodies make this information available to poison centres so that they can give advice to the citizens or medical personnel in the event of an emergency.
PCN's can be submitted with an existing or new UFI, we can undertake PCN
submission for the UK and EU markets for you.
Get in contact with us today!
Address: Unit 1 The Barns, Top Close, Lake View Business Park, Thrapston, NN14 4PP
Phone: +44 1933445260
Email: [email protected]
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